Social responsibility trends for 2021 IN MEXICO

Social responsibility trends for 2021 IN MEXICO

Social Responsibility Trends for 2021

As a result of the health contingency due to COVID-19, social responsibility has emerged as a major concern for both companies and consumers. In 2021, most large companies are expected to enhance and strengthen their corporate programs with the goal of making a meaningful impact on the planet.

Key Trends in Social Responsibility for 2021

Recent studies indicate that 89% of large companies in Mexico align their social responsibility activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, 59% of these companies view climate change as a significant risk.

Andrés Pérez-Peña Campos, General Manager of Fundación ADO, emphasizes, “Protecting the environment is crucial for improving people’s quality of life. Nature provides our most essential resources and represents significant community wealth. Therefore, we advocate for sustainable environmental stewardship to ensure future resource availability and territorial sustainability.”

“In 2020, we contributed to conserving 10,145 hectares of forests dedicated to nature tourism in Calakmul, Campeche, and Marqués de Comillas, Chiapas. We also supported 421 community tourism cooperatives, enhancing their service offerings.”

Trends for Integrating Social Responsibility Programs

On the occasion of World Environmental Education Day, Fundación ADO identified three trends for companies to incorporate into their social responsibility programs, focusing on resource management and environmental respect:

  1. Co-Investment: Promoting comprehensive approaches with vulnerable populations through co-investment in social development projects. Strategic alliances and collective efforts strengthen community actors and promote sustainable territories.
  2. Livelihoods and Production Enhancement: Empowering vulnerable communities with natural resources to achieve self-sufficiency. This involves providing tools, equipment, and eco-friendly techniques for agroecology, water conservation, solar energy utilization, marketing strategies, and fair trade practices.
  3. Community Tourism: Supporting ecotourism initiatives that encourage sustainable use of natural resources in communities. This approach aims to develop competitive destinations and create income opportunities for local populations, fostering self-sufficiency.

In 2021, companies are encouraged to explore new channels and strategies to prioritize environmental care and community development within their corporate social responsibility programs. These efforts promise positive impacts on both the environment and society.