Cambodia’s Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism

As one of the most famous, extensive and most well preserved temples in Cambodia, the world heritage Angkor Watt temple complex has become a mecca for tourism. But Siem Reap, the gateway city to this famous historical monument, was suffering from a severe lack of physical planning with growing conservation impacts. Siem Reap is a boomtown, preparing for collapse, all unleashed by a lack of government oversight and pressures from investors without social or environmental responsibility.
As the Sustainable Tourism Analyst for the World Bank and IFC Department of Corporate Social Responsibility, EplerWood International issued a report on the options for using Corporate Social Responsibility as a means to bring more benefits to the region of Angkor Watt from tourism. Recommendations included a Presidential Commission to take immediate control of the development to avoid the imminent severe resource shortages, particularly water, and carefully examine the opportunities to incorporate more CSR within the growing tourism industry.