The sustainability is the business of Colbun

The sustainability is the business of Colbun and must be integrated in all areas of the Company.
the center of our “sustainability turbine” are growth and profitability. Without them it is not possible to add value to our stakeholders, which are represented in each of the blades of the turbine. In turn, the driving force of this turbine is excellence in people management, socio-environmental management and operational management.
The relationship with our stakeholders is based on the following principles: transparency, dialogue and collaboration.
climate change and CO2 emissions
Learning about greenhouse gas emissions of Chilean electricity generation (SIC); the contribution of our CDM plants and the tons of CO2 reduced by Colbún.
Caring for our environment
Understanding that electric generation has impacts on the environment, in Colbún we ensure that these are characterized, mitigated, repaired and / or compensated in the best possible way, incorporating the concept of biodiversity since the genesis of the projects.
the rmoelectric power plants emissions
Knowing the level of the main emissions of our major thermal plants: Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Particulate Material.
Air Quality Monitoring Stations
Around our complexes and thermal plants, there are installed Air Quality Monitoring Stations that measure Particulate Material, gases and meteorological parameters
Energy for Education Get energized (Santa María Complex) Educational project that was born as a result of the strategic alliance between the University of Concepción, through the Interactive Center of Sciences, Arts and Technology (CiCAT); the Municipality of Coronel and the Colbún company. The initiative is a methodological innovation proposal that works with the students of the municipal schools of the commune, in the 5th grade and 4th year secondary courses, on issues related to energy, and that are part of the official study programs of both levels.
this initiative benefited 1,200 students from 18 establishments. Complementary Training (several centrals) Cochamó Youth Orchestra (Central Canutillar) I take care of my planet Complementary Training (several centrals) This program developed in partnership with Inacap aims to provide technical tools that improve the training and employability of students in the communes where Colbún is present. The program takes place in 15 communes throughout the country and to date has benefited 1,000 students.
the students trained through the FORCOMs totaled 137 students.
Cochamó Youth Orchestra (Central Canutillar) An instance made up of students from the Cochamó commune, which with the support of Colbún has extended its recognition and presentations to different parts of the southern part of our country, under the concept that music is an educational channel that cultivates the values of the discipline and continuous improvement.
I take care of my planet Program that seeks to promote and encourage initiatives and projects related to caring for the environment through training, competitive funds and recycling campaigns, among others.
Under its auspices, 72 recycling and waste management workshops were held in the communes of Colbún and Yerbas Buenas, as well as a project formulation workshop. In addition, through the second version of the Environmental Management Competitive Fund, projects of three neighborhood councils, five educational establishments and an advancement committee were supported.
In Codegua, meanwhile, in alliance with the NGO inGEA, 43 educators received Environmental Teacher Training courses, thus totaling 108 teachers since this program started.
CSR Agreement with the Municipality of San Esteban (Aconcagua Complex) Within the framework of this agreement, the roofing of the Río Colorado School multi-court was inaugurated, allowing residents of the International Route to carry out sports and recreational activities, as well as cultural and civic events, throughout the year.
Likewise, equipment was delivered to the Second International Route Fire Company, consisting of clothing and rescue implements, all certified under high quality standards.
CSR Agreement with the Municipality of Quillota (Nehuenco Complex) Within the framework of the agreement with the municipality, 200 bicycle parking spaces were inaugurated in 18 strategic points of the commune, about 400 sports equipment were delivered to 13 Quillota academies and 51 young people benefited from support scholarships for higher education. This last line included five places of professional practice in the Nehuenco Complex.
Support to the Fire Brigade (several Centrals) In the context of the important work carried out by the Fire Department and the utility provided by this organization, Colbún has provided support to several units in the areas where it is present, highlighting those located in the communes of Curacaví (Central Carena), Yerbas Buenas (Complex Colbún), Antuco and Quilleco (Central Rucúe-Quilleco), Cabrero (Central Los Pinos) and Quilaco and Santa Bárbara (Central Angostura).