OP Commitments and corporate social responsibility principles

OP Commitments and corporate social responsibility principles

Established in 1902, OP Financial Group is a cooperative financial services group formed by independent OP cooperative banks and the Group’s central cooperative with its subsidiaries.

OP guides and controls its corporate social responsibility activities at operational level through its corporate social responsibility programme. Whenever necessary, we also establish CSR policy lines in support of our operations.

International commitments

In addition to laws and regulations, we undertake to comply with international commitments that guide our operations. In 2011, OP signed the UN Global Compact initiative and undertook to comply with the ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

The Global Compact principles form part of all our new supplier agreements. Compliance with the principles is also visible in our personnel: our employees are committed to complying with the principles of good business practice and participating in CR training.

OP Financial Groups CSR policy lines

We have summarised the principles of corporate social responsibility in our Code of Business Ethics. The code provides an ethical foundation for all our employees, whatever their role, position or location. We also require our suppliers and service providers to be committed to it or comparable principles.

  • People-first approach

We will use data and AI responsibly and for the good of our customers. We will define the objectives guiding our use of AI clearly and refine them if necessary based on changed data, technical possibilities and the working environment.

  • Transparency and openness

We will act openly in our relations with customers, partners and stakeholders, ensuring sufficient transparency for the evaluation of the AI we have developed. We will discuss our use of AI use openly and subject our work to public scrutiny.

  • Impact evaluation

We will carefully study the impacts of the choices we make in our work on our customers and the society around us. Our choices regarding AI utilisation are always responsible.

  • Ownership

We will define owners for the principles guiding our operations and for the algorithms we have developed, and will ensure the ethics of AI throughout the lifecycle.

  • Privacy protection

We will guarantee privacy and personal data protection for the individuals represented in the data we use in accordance with our data protection principles.