Network Social Responsibility (NeSoVe) – Austria

The Network Social Responsibility (NeSoVe) was founded as a network of NGOs and workers’ representatives who criticize the undemanding nature of corporate CSR goals andactivities.. Furthermore, we see a big contradiction between boastful claims and the not so impressive practice of these companies. NeSoVe urges the implementation of social, environmental and human rights criteria as the basic principles of corporate governance.
The aim of NeSoVe is therefore the establishment of binding and demanding criteria for voluntary CSR policies together with the review and possible change of existing legal rules for all companies at national, European andinternational level. NeSoVe focuses attention on corporate accountability.
As a result of joining forces in NeSoVe stakeholders affected by corporate policies (employees, consumers and NGOs) are given more weight and ,thereby, conditions for the enforcement of social accountability as a principle of economic activities are improved.