JAPEX: the business activities are one of the important CSR priorities
Since JAPEX’s corporate vision is the contribution to society through the stable energy supply, we consider that the business activities themselves are one of the important CSR priorities.
We decided on the direction to pursue CSR activity systematically on a company-wide basis. Following that, we specified five core CSR themes under the name “SHINE” of the JAPEX Group, incorporating various feedback obtained from dialogues with stakeholders. Our CSR activities, aligned with the plan and targets based on those core themes, have been promoted through a PDCA cycle.
The CSR Committee, chaired by the president, is held twice a year and more if necessary as the base of our company-wide CSR promotion. This committee has roles in making decisions on the basic direction of CSR, formulating and reviewing its promotion plans, and discussing CSR disclosure, such as the annual publication of the corporate report. The status of CSR promotion is regularly reported to the Board of Directors.