Santen sustainability policy incorporating the standpoint of ESG into the WORLD VISON

Keeping Santen’s CORE PRINCIPLE “Tenki ni sanyo suru” in mind, Santen’s newly formulated ideal world is called “WORLD VISION,” the ideal world that Santen aims for, namely, “Happiness with Vision.” This represents Santen’s aim to contribute to the happiest life for every individual through the best vision experience. Santen’s VISION shows what Santen aspires to be in 2030 and beyond in order to achieve its WORLD VISION. We will “Become A Social Innovator” to orchestrate and mobilize key technologies and players around the world to deliver happiness through vision. To achieve “Santen’s VISION” and “GOAL,” we will implement “STRATEGY,” which consists of “Ophthalmology,” “Wellness,” and “Inclusion.” This WORLD VISION and Santen’s VISION have been established from the perspective of Creating Shared Value (CSV), a corporate approach to creating both economic and social value by devising solutions to social issues.
Meanwhile, from the perspective of environment, society, and governance (ESG), we have identified the following four propositions as ESG materialities: “Maintenance and Enhancement of Trust in Products and Services,” “Encouragement of an Organizational Culture that Promotes Value Creation,” “Reinforcement of Governance and Prevention of Corruption,” and “Conservation of the Global Environment.” These propositions aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society by solving social issues and improving corporate value over the medium to long term. The three STRATEGIES and four ESG materialities constitute Santen’s materiality, namely, Santen’s key management issues.
Sustainability Policy
We have established our sustainability policy incorporating the standpoint of ESG into the WORLD VISION and Santen’s VISION, formulated from the perspective of CSV. Based on our CORE PRINCIPLE, this policy shows that Santen not only contributes to the sustainable development of society but also aims to achieve its own sustainable growth.