Holland has led the world in new innovations to increase sustainability

Holland has led the world in new innovations to increase sustainability

While the Dutch may be known for their iconic orange, the Netherlands takes pride in its green initiatives. For many years, Holland has been at the forefront of global innovation, consistently implementing policies that enhance sustainability. Through a concerted effort in transportation, energy, and industry, the Netherlands has built a sustainable infrastructure that significantly reduces the country’s carbon footprint. Moreover, Holland offers companies access to renewable resources and provides its citizens with an eco-friendly place to live.

It’s no surprise that a country famous for its windmills is also a leader in renewable energy. The Netherlands has committed to generating 50% of the country’s electricity from sources like wind and solar by 2025. This ambitious goal is supported by Holland’s world-class institutions, such as the Top Consortium for Knowledge and Innovation in Offshore Wind, the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN), and Delft University of Technology, all of which are global leaders in renewable energy innovation.

Building on a century-long tradition, the Dutch continue to excel in the research and development of smart wind energy projects. A groundbreaking initiative by TeneT, the Dutch power grid and utility company, aims to construct the world’s largest wind farm on an artificial island 14 miles off the coast of the Netherlands. This revolutionary project will generate more than 30 gigawatts of power—twice the amount of offshore wind energy currently installed across Europe. Onshore, wind farms are scattered across Holland’s countryside, providing power to thousands of homes and businesses. For instance, American tech giant Microsoft has purchased 100% of the wind energy generated at Wieringermeer Polder, one of the country’s largest onshore wind farms, to power a local data center, exemplifying the commitment to greening IT in the Netherlands.

As pioneers in solar energy, the Netherlands installed 853 megawatts of solar power, growing the market by 60% in just one year. Over half a million homes are now powered by solar energy, marking a 40% increase from the previous year. As the popularity of solar energy continues to rise in the Netherlands, so do innovative solutions for expanding large-scale solar farms. A new project by Oceans of Energy and Utrecht University aims to tackle the land shortage issue by converting a seaweed farm into a floating solar field nine miles off the coast of The Hague. Additionally, in July of last year, Google announced its purchase of all electricity generated by the largest solar park in Holland for the next decade, powering one of its two data centers in the Netherlands entirely with renewable energy.