Greece named top destination for sustainable food by Lonely Planet

According to Lonely Planet’s “Best in Travel 2021” awards, Greece is the top food destination in the Sustainability category, thanks to its organic produce and farmers markets, its indigenous wild herbs and island seafood hauls.
As per ones of the world’s leading travel sources, “Greece may not be known worldwide for implementing formal initiatives surrounding sustainable practices, but informally, Greeks have been green for centuries. The age-old habit of growing vegetables, harvesting olives and preparing silky oil, and cooking up a storm with tomatoes, fresh fish and wild greens is the norm for most folk whether they live on an island or the mainland.”
A reimagined travel experience
Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel includes a number of categories including best sustainable storyteller, wildlife program, emerging destination, train journey, island, accommodation and more. This year, Luis Cabrera, the publication’s President and CEO, explained that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new reality that made everyone rethink their priorities and the way they travel and experience things, putting sustainability on top of their requirements list.
“As our world came to a full stop this year, we looked in the mirror to reflect on how we can best empower our readers to travel responsibly and become agents of positive change. And we realized that to reimagine travel post-2020, we needed to reinvent ourselves first, so we updated our editorial practices to highlight more local and diverse voices. We also decided to make this year’s Best in Travel different by recognizing places and people demonstrating a genuine commitment to sustainability, community and diversity,” he states.