CSR at Atlantic Grupa is to raise the waste management efficiency and improve energy efficiency

CSR at Atlantic Grupa is to raise the waste management efficiency and improve energy efficiency

Sustainable development in Atlantic Grupa follows the global sustainability objectives by respecting our core values: Passion, Growth, Openness and Care. The main focus of the integrated environmental and energy management system is still to raise the waste management efficiency and improve energy efficiency. As regards emissions, aware of the importance of wastewater treatment in particular companies in Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, we are intensively and continuously working on improving our relevant systems.

Atlantic Grupa fosters the culture of creativity and stimulates its employees to offer innovative proposals for improvements in the field of environmental protection. We are striving to establish “greener” production processes and ecological products that consume less energy, generate less waste and are more environmentally friendly.

In order to involve as much employees of Atlantic Grupa as possible in our sustainability thinking, at the end of the last year we launched the Wind of Change challenge, which was used to generate proposals for sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, raw material procurement, packaging and waste. The basis and inspiration for the Wind of Change challenge named “Sustainability” were our corporate values of Openness to new ideas, perspectives and suggestions, and Care for each other, the company and the environment.


Under the integrated quality management policy in the field of energy, we have defined that, by selecting environmentally acceptable technologies and services, managing energy-related risks and stimulating energy efficiency improvement activities, we will continuously protect and positively impact the environment.

A few examples of technological improvements made in 2019 at our individual plants are provided below:

  • in the production plant of Atlantic Štark, division Foodland, installation of a cooling water recirculation system on the tunnel pasteurizator

and vacuum boilers with the cooling system according to the ESCO model was carried out, LED lamps were replaced and sensors in sanitary facilities installed:

  • in the production plant of Atlantic Štark in Ljubovija, the process of reconstruction of the boiler room and replacement of the use of fuel oil with liquefied petroleum gas on the production line and in the boiler, room was initiated.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Štark in Belgrade, a new boiler, cooling tower and blast cabinet were procured, the pipeline was insulated, and the burner combustion regulated.
  • in the production plant in Skopje, solar tubes and automatic doors were installed, while five roller doors were installed in the warehouse.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Grand Bijeljina, activities aimed at increasing the burner efficiency were performed.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Droga Kolinska in Rogaška Slatina, the blower was upgraded, and the water filtering regime changed.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Droga Kolinska in Mirna, the cooling generator was replaced.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Droga Kolinska in Ljubljana, additional insulation of the building was performed.
  • in the production plant of Atlantic Cedevita in Planinska and of Montana Plus, activities for eliminating unnecessary energy consumption were carried out, as well as energy-related inspections and tests.

Under the integrated quality management policy in the field of energy, we have defined that, by selecting environmentally acceptable technologies and services, managing energy-related risks and stimulating energy efficiency improvement activities, we will continuously protect and positively impact the environment.

In Atlantic Grupa we are aware that, by carefully selecting source and packaging materials, we can reduce negative environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of our products.

Several projects are currently underway with a view to finding solutions for disposable packaging and the use of recycled and recyclable packaging materials. When it comes to managing the brands of Atlantic Grupa, we are continuously working on their improvement in terms of sustainable development, from which we can point out a few good practice examples.

After carrying out of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for specific Argeta products, on the basis of which we calculated their environmental impacts throughout the value chain that were used for planning improvements, we organised workshops focused on finding creative solutions to place the brand as high as possible on the sustainability ladder.

Another example worth noting is the sustainable management of the source of natural mineral water Donat Mg. At our bottling plant, we use only as much natural mineral water as it flows out of its own source, while continuous monitoring of groundwater levels ensures that the water level remains unchanged. In this way, we are ensuring that the water source is available to future generations. Sound management provides us with high-quality, pristine resource rich in minerals and natural CO2, thus avoiding overexploitation and maintaining the renewability of the resource in question.