Croatia – ESDN | European Sustainable Development
It is envisaged that the NSSD will be implemented through action plans which will contain the details on the authorities responsible for implementing individual plans and projects envisioned by the NSSD; authorities responsible for achieving specific objectives; funds required to implement plans or projects; sources for financing plans or projects; participants in a plan or project; timeframes for achieving the planned objectives; expected results of plans and projects as well as on those responsible for supervising the implementation of plans and projects.
Following that Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE) coordinated drafting strategic plan related to topics under its governance that contribute to the implementation of NSSD, relevant EU policies and global SDGs: waste and water management plans, air and climate protection plan, marine environment protection strategy, adaptation to climate change strategy, integrated energy and climate plan, green public procurement plan and strategy for protecting nature and biodiversity.
In addition, there are action plans that are covering other areas of sustainable development which are under competence of other bodies.
The National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia (NSSD) will be revised in a way to present general political framework for implementing Agenda 2030.
In parallel, on operational level key challenges in implementing priority SDGs for Croatia are reflected in the National Development Strategy 2030 (NDS 2030), which will be adopted in the 2020. The NDS 2030 is an overarching strategic document of the Republic of Croatia for the period up to 2030, which identifies key challenges, goals and targets for sustainable development of the Republic of Croatia and shall form the foundation for shaping and implementing all public policies at the national and subnational level. The establishment of an integrated system of strategic planning will facilitate the vision of Croatia as an open and globally competitive country whose social and economic growth and development are based on sustainable development goals of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.