University Teknologi Malaysia’s Culture Of Excellence – UTM operates based on the core values of Sustainability

University Teknologi Malaysia's Culture Of Excellence - UTM operates based on the core values of Sustainability

University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM): Driving Innovation and Research Excellence

University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering, science, and technology, located in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Known for its pioneering contributions to engineering and technological knowledge, UTM operates as the largest postgraduate research university in technology, renowned for its innovative education and cutting-edge research initiatives. The university’s vision is centered on the development of creative human capital and advanced technological innovation.

Research and International Recognition

The success of UTM is credited to its strong research culture, focusing on translational research where staff researchers are encouraged to benefit society through their projects. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, highlighted UTM’s achievement in receiving the highest score for International Research Network in the QS University Rankings 2021: Asia. This accomplishment marks UTM’s best performance since being ranked by QS in 2012.

Industry Collaborations and Synergy

UTM has fostered strategic alliances with top industries through initiatives aimed at producing future-ready graduates. These efforts include establishing Industry Advisory Panels (IAPs) across faculties to enhance curricula aligned with industry needs. The appointment of Adjunct Professors (APs) from industry enriches students’ learning experiences by integrating strategic insights through lectures and collaborations with faculty members.

UTM has engaged with over 2,000 collaborators and signed more than 300 agreements since 2019. This collaborative effort includes research and development activities, continuing education programs, and scholarships provided by renowned companies. Notably, UTM collaborates with Imperial College London to operate the UTM Centre for Low Carbon Transport (LOCARTic), which has contributed over 300 indexed publications and attracted RM 30 million in funding.

Recognition and Expertise

UTM takes pride in its dedicated staff, with 34 scientists recognized in the World Top 2% Scientists 2019 Rankings by Stanford University, USA. This acknowledgment underscores UTM’s commitment to excellence and innovation in academia.

Core Values and Strategic Thrusts

UTM operates based on core values of Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, and Sustainability, which guide its practices and strategic directions. These values are integral to UTM’s pursuit of greatness in education, research, and societal impact.

Overall, UTM continues to uphold its reputation as a hub of technological advancement and academic excellence, contributing significantly to Malaysia’s research landscape and global standing in engineering and technology.