TopParken is a leader in CSR initiatives

TopParken is a leader in CSR initiatives

A Sustainable and Socially Responsible Holiday

At TopParken, you can enjoy a sustainable and socially responsible holiday. Our holiday resorts are dedicated to finding the perfect balance between people, the planet, and animals. Located amidst nature, whether in the woods or along the coast, our 20 Dutch holiday resorts strive to minimize their impact on the environment. Some of our TopParken resorts are so sustainable that they have been awarded the prestigious Green Key quality label. Additionally, all of our bedding is certified with the Max Havelaar Cotton quality mark, signifying that it is a fair trade product.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are acutely aware of the impact our activities have on both the environment and society. Preserving the natural environment for future generations is of utmost importance to us. To achieve this, sustainability is increasingly integrated into our processes, services, and products.

We make conscious choices, seeking a balance between people, the planet, and results. However, this is an ongoing process, not an end goal. Our company is constantly exploring feasible steps to shape our social responsibility:

  • We stay informed about CSR developments within our sector and actively contribute to sharing this knowledge with employees and others interested in learning the trade.
  • We inform our guests, employees, and suppliers about our socially responsible business model.
  • We continuously work to reduce our environmental impact by actively striving to minimize waste and our consumption of gas, water, electricity, and fossil fuels.
  • We are constantly improving our procurement processes, focusing on sustainable goods and services, preferably with recognized environmental, sustainability, and social labels.

Green Key Label

Green Key is the premier international hallmark in the hospitality industry. Companies with this label go to great lengths to minimize their environmental impact without sacrificing the comfort and quality they offer. Several of our resorts have already been certified with the Green Key label, and we are working diligently to extend this certification to all of our resorts.

Max Havelaar Cotton Quality Label

TopParken is one of the few organizations in the hospitality industry that can guarantee you a better night’s sleep. All our resorts have been using Fair Trade bedding for years, which has been awarded the Max Havelaar Cotton quality label. This label signifies fair trade between companies in the Netherlands and farmers’ organizations in developing countries. The material used in this bedding is more beautiful, cleaner, and softer than other types.

DCS Fighting Cancer

As a Business Relation of the DCS, TopParken plays its part in fighting cancer by investing in the best scientists in this field. This gives cancer patients in the immediate surroundings a sense of support and inspires our employees, customers, and business relations to contribute to the fight against cancer as well.

Donations and Sponsorships

TopParken contributes to various social causes through donations, sponsorships, and voluntary work. One of our goals is to encourage young people to exercise more. To achieve this, we sponsor various sports activities for youth. Additionally, we donate to various charities that make a meaningful impact.