The University of Nottingham Ningbo China is committed to environmental sustainability

The University of Nottingham is committed to environmental sustainability through our research, teaching, campus activity, investments and our work with partners locally and globally.
UNUK recently published University Strategy puts sustainability at the heart of the core goals that will guide our work as an institution for the years to come. Over the next decade, in partnership with our staff and student community, we will make a step-change in our efforts to support environmental sustainability more widely.
Recent Achievements
For the last 15 years, UNNC is committed to sustainable development. Driven by both government directives, internal policies and aspirations from staff and students, our achievements included numerous innovative student activities, energy and resource conservation projects, and sustainable buildings. Our sustainability initiative is helping to achieve sustainability within the campus and beyond.
Future Ambitions
Building on these achievements, the University will now accelerate its efforts to further improve the sustainability of our estate and embed environmental sustainability in our education and research, as well as in the mindset and behaviours of our staff and students. Importantly, we will do this urgently but in a considered and scientific manner, using our academic expertise to develop science-based interventions, meaningful targets and robust campus activity.