In the past, brands have been wary about being too political or taking a stand on certain social issues. This history of businesses staying neutral on these issues is coming to an end as more consumers voice their desire to support a company that is actively aware of environmental and social problems. To get a better understanding we take a look at 5 TOP Irish Brands doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) successfully.

Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, is defined as “companies taking ownership from the impact that they have on society and the planet”.

Basically, businesses have begun to include these actions in their business. As it is a key branding trend, the number of brands taking a stand with CSR will only increase over time.

One clothing company most known for its focus on helping the environment is Patagonia. Their commitment to the environment has always been a key part of their ethos. This is why their dedication to protect the environment is seen as authentic by its users. There is however, scepticism around certain brands intentions for engaging in CSR, using it more as a marketing tactic to attract an environmentally conscious target audience but the overall result is still a benefit to the world over.

Over the past few years, more Irish companies have been making their stand on specific issues surrounding social and environmental problems. These range from finance to hospitality but the ultimate goal remains the same; an attempt to improve the lives of others or the impact they have on the environment around them.

Paradoxx is an Irish haircare brand that is raising awareness about the amount of waste that is unexpectedly created in their industry. They are the world’s first 90% plastic-free hair care brand which proves how socially conscious and environmentally-friendly the brand is. The founder ‘Yolanda Cooper’ had the idea for the company after realising that her haircare products weren’t as environmentally friendly as her skincare or clothing products. She founded the company to help start a change in the industry with a environmentally-friendly  developing high-quality hair care products.

Hotel Doolin- Green Team PrograM

“Strive to do it better, Dare to be different, Care to do it right”. This is the vision of Hotel Doolin located in Doolin, Co.Clare.  they launched their Green Team Initiative as a way to become a carbon-neutral hotel. Part of this includes planting trees after every wedding held at the hotel, hosting coastal cleanups, and growing their own fruits & vegetables. As part of their Green Program, the hotel doesn’t sell any plastic bottles on their premises.

Bank of Ireland- Backyard Blitz

Bank of Ireland Backyard Blitz Corporate Social Responsibility – izest marketing

Gas Networks Ireland- Seed for Nature

Corporate Social Responsibility – izest marketing

With Seed for Nature, Gas Networks Ireland is making their obligation to biodiversity known. Announced in April 2019, this plan is a series of commitments to put their business in line with the best practices for biodiversity. The aim is to have a net positive impact on biodiversity in their operations and infrastructural projects.

Dublin Bus

To show their support of the LGBT community, Dublin Bus worked with Transgender Equality Network Ireland to develop the ‘Dublin Bus Workplace Gender Policy and Guidelines’. These guidelines will make it possible for any of Dublin Bus’ 3,500 employees to comfortably have their gender transition while still employed. These guidelines are necessary for helping to create a safe space for these employees as they often face discrimination at the workplace

Engaging in CSR can be very complicated for many brands. As shown in the brands listed, the success of their CSR endeavours is in part because of their authenticity and how they align with the company. In essence, consumers believe in the intentions of the corporations. To become a business known for successfully engaging in CSR, the key thing to remember is that it has to be aligned to the marketing strategy to drive awareness. This means these CSR projects should have a clear focus with goals and objectives, communicated on marketing channels.