The operation in Azercell has attached great importance to the social responsibility

From the first day of its operation Azercell has attached great importance to the social responsibility. The company has supported thousands of social projects so far and contributed to the development and well-being of education, art, sports, science and technologies.
Among successful projects conducted by Azercell, we can show Child Hotline, Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Mobile Eye and Mobile Dental Clinics, Green radio base stations, Student Bursary Programs, vocational and English language courses for journalists, various events and conferences on Corporate Social Responsibility. Azercell has spent some $20 million on social projects during 19 years of its operation. Azercell received numerous awards for its activities in Corporate Social Responsibility.
Support for the motherland!
In these proud, exciting and difficult days, we tried to show our support for the motherland. We donated AZN 1 MLN to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund and ensured that the balances of military journalists were full. Our proud flag waved on Azercell Plaza and in the hands of each of our employees.
Azercell Volunteers
This charity, consisting of Azercell employees, has been supporting the country’s orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as people in need of treatment for almost 15 years. One of the latest initiatives of «Azercell Volunteers» was to help our soldiers on the front lines during the war. More than 400 boxes of warm clothes, medical supplies and other items were collected and sent to our army by Azercell employees.
September 15 – Knowledge Day
Azercell has established a monthly scholarship for children of martyrs who died in the fighting in April 2016 and July 2020 during the hostilities in Tovuz. Azercell will provide them with a monthly stipend of 300 AZN until graduation. The company also congratulated the first graders of the heroic military personnel who died in these battles. On the day of the holiday, the first graders were also given tablets and various school supplies so that they could better assimilate the teaching materials.
Let Our Digital Solutions Expand Your Knowledge
Based on the lists received from the State Examination Center, “Azercell Telecom” LLC presented tablets to 10 applicants who showed the best results in both exams. The company also provided subscription codes for the popular “Busuu” mobile app to each of the 300 highest-scoring applicants on exams to improve their language skills.
Victory is ours, #KarabakhisAzerbaijan
We have been reunited with our Khari Bulbul, our Murovdag, our cradle of culture! The longing of the years is over, and now #together we are #coming to our home, our native Karabakh!
Support for the motherland!
Azerbaijani Flag on Azercell Plaza
Support for the motherland!
In these proud, exciting and difficult days, we tried to show our support for the motherland. We donated AZN 1 MLN to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund and ensured that the balances of military journalists were full. Our proud flag waved on Azercell Plaza and in the hands of each of our employees.
We provided network support to all media workers sent to the line of contact with the enemy and residents of Barda and Ganja, who were subjected to armenian provocations.
Azercell Volunteers
This charity, consisting of Azercell employees, has been supporting the country’s orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as people in need of treatment for almost 15 years. One of the latest initiatives of «Azercell Volunteers» was to help our soldiers on the front lines during the war. More than 400 boxes of warm clothes, medical supplies and other items were collected and sent to our army by Azercell employees.