The charity is the most important commitment of Mercedes in terms of social responsibility

The investment of Mercedes is global: the group takes action throughout disastre, but is also involved in long-term projects.
Just after a hurricane in Haiti in 2016, the group founded aid projects to support the inhabitants of the island. The company’s ambition was to give these people access to drinking water to protect them against diseases.
One of the long-term projects of Daimler is to help for refugees. The group collect donations, give an education, build housing and help them to find jobs. Moreover, thanks to the Mercedes employee’s involvement, these projects move forward on a daily basis and are beneficial for everyone.
These activities make it possible to improve the daily life of these people, which is essential point of the corporate social responsibility. Laureus world sport award 2016
Another big project of the group related to the sport is Laureus, created 2000 and co-funded with Richemont. It is a global movement which want to develop interaction between people, thanks to the sport power. Laureus gather different programs, all linked to the sport, which defend values like fairness, tolerance, team spirit. Laureus sport for good foundation is one of these programs, and has for object to give the access to the sport for young who have social disadvantages.
Finally, we can say that across these projects and activities Mercedes and Daimler want to build a better world, with less inequality, and most shares and sciences.
The group is involved in first for its own interest with the science development and the training of young people, but it also bring its help in many projects in the world, in particular with the protection of refugees, to make it better and more human.
To conclude, we can say that Mercedes-Benz company, although a car manufacturer, has been able to carry out many projects and takes many initiatives in favor of the environment, and ethics. Socially responsible, the company wishes to continue its efforts and its commitments, to ensure a better world. Its major R & D investments will be used for this purpose.