Sustainability services from SGS –providing a more responsible and sustainable future

Sustainability is one of today’s hottest topics. With massive media coverage and huge public interest, finding ways to operate in a responsible manner is becoming increasingly important.
But sustainability is nothing new to us. For decades we have been providing sustainability solutions and services for companies and organizations across the globe. As a result, we are perfectly placed to help you be kinder to the environment, have a positive impact on society and achieve greater economic sustainability. We can help you:
Become more environmentally responsible: we offer a comprehensive range of testing, verification, certification, consulting and training services. For example, we can verify your CO2 emissions trading. We can advise on the use of wind energy, test soil and water for contaminants, check air quality, assess noise pollution, model groundwater dispersion and establish whether a level of vibration is acceptable. We can also audit and certify your environmental management systems and train your staff on how to implement and report them.
Ensure sustainable facilities and production: we offer a number of services, including site operation and management, green process design, environmental assessment of your suppliers and a comprehensive set of tools to manage risk within your supply chains
Develop a better working or social environment: our audits, reporting and support services can help you with everything from supply chain management and social responsibility to traceability and training.