SPAR Sustainable Packaging: Reducing negative environmental impacts related to waste

SPAR Sustainable Packaging: Reducing negative environmental impacts related to waste

As part of our commitment to reducing plastic waste, SPAR is continuously redesigning packaging and introducing new environmentally friendly solutions. This applies to both single-use plastic products and SPAR Own Brand products, ensuring our efforts are aligned with the circular economy across SPAR markets.

With the circular economy’s focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling, SPAR’s initiative to redesign packaging has gained increased significance. Across SPAR markets, our partners are diligently working to eliminate unnecessary packaging and non-recyclable materials from SPAR Own Brand products wherever possible. A key focus is to ensure that packaging solutions not only reduce CO2 emissions during production but also minimize energy consumption during recycling processes. To achieve our goal of waste reduction, close cooperation across industries and stakeholders is a top priority for SPAR.

Beyond removing single-use plastics in-store, there is a strong emphasis on offering reusable products and solutions. This shift is evident not only in self-service and food-to-go stations but also across SPAR’s resalable and non-resalable product departments.

Recycling Programmes

SPAR Partners have significantly intensified their recycling initiatives, working closely with and educating customers on ways to reduce environmental impacts through tailored recycling programs. Our recycling efforts create win-win situations for all parties involved, addressing environmental issues for the benefit of local communities. This commitment is reflected in our Distribution Centre (DC) operations, where excess packaging materials are separated and recycled before delivery to stores. Close cooperation between the DCs and stores further ensures that recycling opportunities are maximized, as tertiary packaging is collected from stores and returned to the DC for processing.