Social Contribution Activities – Toyota

Social Contribution Activities - Toyota

For the Happiness of Someone Other than Ourselves

Toyota’s founding principle is the wish for people to be happy and for their hometown to be prosperous. We will continue to engage in “Producing Happiness for All” by realizing a society where everyone can live vigorously and with an enriched mind. We will tackle various social issues as our own by “genchi genbutsu” (going to the source to get the facts), and for issues that we cannot solve by ourselves, we will work together with partners who share our aspiration for the future.

Response to the Spread of COVID-19 Infections

Expressing Our Gratitude and Support through the Making of Vinyl Gowns and Masks

To date, approximately 32,000 employees have participated in volunteer activities in local communities and other areas, but after the first wave of COVID-19, various activities were cancelled. We have resumed volunteer activities that can be done at home in response to feedback from school children’s after-school care and welfare facilities that it is difficult to obtain masks. Employees and their families made about 35,000 cloth masks and delivered them to facilities with handwritten messages saying, “We would like to bring you some energy!” In December, we donated a total of 1,600 plastic gowns to the medical association and social welfare corporations as a token of our gratitude and support for the medical professionals and nursing helpers who are working hard day and night. We will continue to do whatever we can do, even if we are far away.

Online Private Lessons by Professional Musicians Bring Smiles to Children’s Faces

Since many children were unable to participate in activities such as playing in brass bands, we held online private lessons with professional orchestra instructors for students from elementary school to college, in order to have them experience the joy and wonder of music once again. The participants were nervous at first, but gradually became accustomed to the professional performers they saw on the screen, and began to ask them questions about the points of performance. We received many encouraging feedback such as, “I was able to work hard with this lesson as my goal,” and “My awareness when playing the instrument has increased.”

Cultural activities are an important way to nurture a rich mind and creativity, and for people to communicate across generations. As new lifestyles take root, we will continue our activities to deliver excitement through the power of music and art.