PT MOWILEX INDONESIA has won 3 Award categories at the biggest CSR awards event in Indonesia

PT MOWILEX INDONESIA has won 3 Award categories at the biggest CSR awards event in Indonesia

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of PT Mowilex Indonesia have started since it was founded in 1970 and received positive responses from the community.

PT Mowilex Indonesia has won 3 Award categories in TOP CSR Award 2020.

PT Mowilex Indonesia’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program now consists of two pillars, namely “Community Development” and “Sustainability”.

JAKARTA, Indonesia,  /PRNewswire/ — As a premium brand of wall paints produced in Indonesia since 1970, Mowilex has carried out numerous Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, as the founder of PT Mowilex Indonesia had always encouraged CSR activities as the company’s legacy of work ethic and culture that continues to this day. Mowilex consistently conducts social action starting with providing assistance to emergency responses victims of natural disasters, assisting the Jakarta Provincial Government in the Child-Friendly City program and Community Development program as part of the capacity building for the Public Infrastructure and Facilities Management agency in maintaining aesthetic values of the city. Mowilex also participated in campaigns to increase awareness of people with multiple disabilities by revitalizing care homes for young people and children with multiple disabilities of which there are only five in Indonesia.

Despite the impressive list of social responsibility activities, Mowilex Indonesia still continues to hold social responsibility activities. As the first manufacturing company in Indonesia that is certified CarbonNeutral, it is important for Mowilex to implement CSR programs that focus on Sustainability. The commitment to the environment program began by reducing plastic usage until 80% for the next 8 years. Through Mowilex’s parent company, Asia Coatings Enterprises Pte. Ltd. the company is also participating in the conservation of the whale shark habitat in Saleh Bay, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara in coordination with Conservation International for the next 5 years. Entering the year 2020, the Mowilex sustainability program remains consistent in being concerned with environmental issues, by planting 50,000 tree seedlings throughout regions in Indonesia to celebrate Mowilex’s 50th anniversary. This is in line with the three pillars of PT Mowilex Indonesia’s sustainability program, namely “Kurangi” (Reduce), “Hindari” (Avoid), “Imbangi” (Offset).

In early 2020, Mowilex donated a total of 680 liters of paint to schools that were damaged and severely affected by flash floods in Jakarta. When the COVID-19 pandemic reached Indonesia in March 2020, PT Mowilex Indonesia, donated more than 26,000 masks that were distributed to all Mowilex partner stores and Mowilex branch offices, also 14,000 medical-grade Personal Protective Equipment to paramedics in need through PERSI (Indonesian Hospital Association).

These concrete examples of social action have led Mowilex to become nominated and win in three Award categories at the TOP CSR Awards 2020, the biggest CSR award event in Indonesia. PT Mowilex Indonesia was nominated and won in the following categories: Top CSR Awards 2020 #Star 4, Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2020, and TOP CSR Awards 2020 – Program Perlindungan Lingkungan (Environment Protection Program). The awards were presented by the Head of the TOP CSR Awards 2020 Committee, M. Lutfi Handayani, to Chief Marketing Officer of PT Mowilex Indonesia, Anna Yesito Wibowo, on Wednesday, July 29th , 2020, at the Sultan Hotel & Residence, Jakarta.