Officeworks win the 2020 Large Retailer Award for reducing the harmful impact of packaging on the environment

Removing polystyrene from packaging, and including recycled or renewable content in 98 per cent of its packaging, has helped Officeworks win the 2020 Large Retailer Award from the organization leading Australia’s efforts to reduce the harmful impact of packaging on the environment.
The awards given by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organization (APCO) recognise best practice approach to sustainable packaging design, industry leadership and sustainability education.
Among Officeworks’ initiatives to reduce waste are redesigning larger packaging formats to remove polystyrene in products such as furniture and shredders. Nearly 60 per cent of its packaging now carries the Australian Recycling Label and in the last financial year, Officeworks recycled 86 per cent of the waste from its stores and operations, reducing the amount sent to landfill by more than a quarter.
Officeworks Managing Director Sarah Hunter said the business was thrilled to be recognised for its achievements and progress in building a circular economy approach to packaging, and embedding a culture of waste avoidance and resource recovery across its team.
“Our progress wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of our team members across buying, sourcing, supply chain, sustainability departments and our stores who have all played a role as we work towards more sustainable packaging,” she said.