National Action Plan for CSR in the Czech

Preparation of the National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic 2019–2023 is on schedule
Following on-line comment procedure on the websites of the National Portal and the MIT, the draft NAP CSR 2019–2023 was presented at the meeting of the Platform of CSR stakeholdersand at a round table with representatives of businesses . Following these meetings, there were other comments from the entities present, which were then dealt with and incorporated in the draft NAP CSR 2019–2023. This draft, including the settlement document, is circulated to interested parties for information. The authors thank everyone for the comments. In accordance with the planned procedure, the proposal will be sent to the MIT for an internal consultation process within the next few days and then for inter-ministerial consultation process. One of the annexes to the NAP CSR 2019–2023 which will be sent for the inter-ministerial consultation process will also be an evaluation of progress towards the activities of the previous NAP CSR .
Approval of the updated document “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic”
At its meeting, the government approved an updated “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic.”
At its meeting, the government approved an updated strategic material, the “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic, whose updated version continues to be the strategic and open material of non—legislative nature.
The Government is aware of the fact that the corporate social responsibility (CSR) is highly relevant topic not only for the big companies but also for small and medium—sized enterprises in the regions, their employees and the community around them as well as for the public administration. It takes dialogue and cooperation between the CSR stakeholders as essential for ensuring the coherence of procedures and obtaining feedback and for further development of social responsibility in the Czech Republic.
The main objectives of the updated “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic” include:
- Enhancing the understanding and credibility of the concept of social responsibility in the society.
- Supporting the development of social responsibility in organizations
- Sharing experience and transferrin the international know—how.
The Czech government will thus endeavour to ensure that the updated “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic” get into the awareness of the Czech society and lead not only the companies to a responsible and sustainable undertaking.
National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech
The aim of the “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic” is to contribute to the concept of the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility and its positive impact on society and economic development.
the Czech Republic Government approved in Resolution No. 199 the strategic document “National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic.” The aim of the strategy document, which was prepared under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with other stakeholders, is to contribute to the development of the concept of corporate social responsibility in the Czech Republic and its positive impact on society, economic development and competitiveness of the Czech Republic. Strengthening control functions is certainly not the intention thereof. The aim of the various activities that are included in the strategy document and respect the principles of voluntariness, is, in particular to motivate commercial enterprises, non—profit organizations and government authorities for the implementation of corporate social responsibility, which is defined as “responsibility of organizations for the impact of their activities on the society”. The National Action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic, which is enclosed, will be continuously updated.