Murata’s approach to CSR activities

In line with the “Murata Philosophy,” Murata wishes to continue being a company trusted by society, not only due to our compliance with laws and regulations but also our devotion to highly transparent governance, respect for human rights, health and safety, contributions to society, and environmental preservation, based on high corporate ethics.
Corporate Governance
- We will fulfill accountability and enhance management transparency to remain open to our communities and society, and continue to be a reliable and respectable company.
- We will promote dialogue with customers, employees, stockholders/investors, business partners, communities, and other stakeholders.
- We will work to improve management transparency, enhance audit effectiveness, and reinforce the internal control system.
Human Rights and Labor
- We will respect the human rights and dignity of individuals.
- We will prohibit forced labor and will not use child labor in any processes.
- We will guarantee our employees lawful working hours, holidays/leaves, and wages, and eliminate all forms of discrimination against any employee based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other status, to ensure no tolerance for inhumane treatment.
- In accordance with the law of each country, we will respect workers’ rights to join labor unions and promote free communication with these unions.
Health and Safety
- We will improve product and service quality and boost employee morale by securing a safe and comfortable working environment and managing employees’ health.
- We will ensure workplace health and safety and maintain appropriate workplace conditions. In the event of an occupational accident, disease, or emergency, we will take appropriate steps by identifying the situation and devising emergency countermeasures.
- For manufacturing equipment, facilities, and other machinery used, we will take safety measures to prevent accidents and health problems.
- We will identify all types of physically demanding work, continually survey the conditions, and control such work.
- We will maintain hygiene in welfare facilities to ensure these facilities are kept safe and clean.
Environmental Preservation
- We aim to realize a society where people can live a healthy life with peace of mind by reducing the negative impact of our corporate activities on society, the environment, and natural resources.
- We will obtain all required environmental permits and licenses from administrative bodies in accordance with laws and regulations, and fulfill management and reporting requirements.
- We will control chemical substances designated by laws and regulations, and minimize the environmental impact of wastewater, sludge, exhaust, and other pollutants through the application of our voluntary standards in addition to compliance with relevant laws and regulations. We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste by appropriately monitoring and managing them and setting up voluntary targets.
- We will establish and implement a management system to promote environmental activities based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.
Fair Trade and Ethics
- We aim to maintain the highest standards of ethics to be a company that fulfills its social responsibility and wins social trust.
- In all business relationships, we will prohibit corruption, blackmail, and embezzlement, and will not offer or accept bribes or other improper advantages.
- We will prohibit the abuse of dominant bargaining positions, rejecting all behaviors that impede fair, transparent, and free competition.
- We will accurately record information regarding business activities, labor, health and safety, and environmental practices and provide and disclose such information to our stakeholders without falsification or misrepresentation.
- We will respect the intellectual property rights of others and will not infringe upon these rights.
- We will conduct education and raise awareness to prevent improper conduct. For reporting improper conduct, we will establish a system to protect the confidentiality of informants and quickly address improper conduct.
- We will voluntarily work to contribute to the development of the international community and local communities.
- We will never transact with, provide assistance to, or sympathize with antisocial forces that adversely affect public order and sound corporate activities, and will never engage in any other acts that benefit such forces.
- We will strive to promote transparency in supply chains and the responsible procurement of minerals contained in our products.