MAXIMA Grupė build on the principles of integrity and social responsibility

MAXIMA Grupė build on the principles of integrity and social responsibility

In our operations, we build on the principles of integrity, transparency, respect, and social responsibility, and, like the other companies of Vilniaus prekyba, we follow the Code of Conduct.


Maxima Grupė‘s anti-corruption policy includes main transparency principles, requirements, and guidelines on how to ensure anti-corruption practices in our everyday operations.

A trust line is maintained at the company where you can anonymously report possible cases of corruption or other criminal activity in the company. We guarantee confidentiality.


At MAXIMA GRUPĖ, we strive to make sustainability an integral part of our every operation. It is what’s right for our customers, employees, partners, communities, and the environment. As a retail leader and one of the biggest taxpayers in the Baltics, with gradually expanding operations in Poland and Bulgaria, it is important for us to act responsibly and respond to the global challenges and trends that society faces. Being part of a tight network of local and international suppliers, MAXIMA GRUPĖ is aware of the multiple challenges it has to respond to regarding its social and environmental performance.

Understanding the scope of our daily operations, we are building a stronger sense of responsibility over the impact of our operations. 2018 for MAXIMA GRUPĖ marks the year of valuable commitments and increased responsibilities. Together with the development of the new company strategy until 2025, MAXIMA GRUPĖ has approved its new long-term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy to 2025 aligned with the company’s goals. With this strategy, we are looking for ways to improve the sustainability of our business model while making an even higher contribution to the environment and society, adding to the well-being of our key stakeholders. Creating a meaningful CSR 2025 strategy additionally ensures transparency before our stakeholders and adds value to our business.

MAXIMA GRUPĖ has built a strong vision to be a responsible leading retailer and create a shared value for our customers, suppliers, and the societies we operate in. After joining the United Nations Global Compact initiative, in 2020 MAXIMA GRUPĖ released the first Corporate Social Responsibility report.

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020


MAXIMA GRUPĖ Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the key requirements of MAXIMA GRUPĖ UAB and the legal entities it directly and indirectly controls for suppliers, to create the preconditions for implementing the highest standards of business ethics in the supply chain. The Code of Conduct reflects the effort of the Group Companies to strengthen sustainable collaboration with suppliers, promoting practices that are lawful, professional, and fair, including respect for human rights, business ethics, and environmental protection.

Our international team consists of around forty thousand employees, who are our greatest strength.

It is thanks to our professional and experienced staff that we can enjoy today the leading role in the Baltic retail markets.