Liberty IT and Dropbox CSR activities

Liberty IT and Dropbox CSR activities

the software company’s current CSR activities. “they’ve always been active within their communities the Covid-19 pandemic has focused more of their time and efforts into corporate responsibility than ever before

All 500-plus of them  at Liberty IT are lucky to be successfully working business-as-usual at home, so they feel incredibly fortunate and want to give back whenever they  can.

their corporate responsibility and social groups have raised over €16,000 since April for our charity partners Pieta House and The Welcome Organisation through competitions, raffles and, for a few of their teams, getting sponsored to complete their own walking, hiking and running challenges.

As an organisation, they’ve diverted funds usually spent on internal events to otheir charity partners and their employees have donated their monthly social club contributions to the charities as well.

Liberty IT’s Pride committee and is currently working to bring the “annual spotlight and activities to life” remotely.


Dropbox’s head of social impact and governance affairs for the UK and Ireland,that the company’s CSR initiatives have now pivoted online. These include “supporting school partnerships, virtual career mentorships, lending a supportive ear to those self-isolating, contributing to academic studies, giving opportunities and more”.

One focus for Dropbox in Dublin has been helping Barretstown deliver its children’s camp in a virtual setting. The programme, called Barretstown Live, allows children living with serious illnesses to access a streaming service and have activity packs delivered to their homes.

Barretstown Live has also been extended to hospitals where children are currently receiving treatment. Dropbox has provided the charity with iPads, allowing 10 additional families every week to participate in the camp activities.