Ibn Qadara discusses with the CEO of Total sustainable development projects in Libya

The President of the National Oil Corporation, Farhat Ben Qadara, met in Paris with the CEO of Total Energies, Patrick Pouyanné.
The National Oil Corporation said that the two sides discussed Total Energies’ multi-energy strategy and activities in Libya, as well as the strategic agreements being implemented and signed with the Libyan authorities in November 2021 for the sustainable development of the country’s natural resources.
It added that Pouyanné confirmed to Ben Qadara Total’s full commitment to Libya, and its desire to launch new investments to increase Libyan oil production to supply the global market, as well as gas production for both local and European export markets. The Corporation announced on Thursday that crude oil production in Libya has reached 1,223,000 barrels.
The Corporation mentioned that they discussed Total Energies’ desire to enhance its investments in the renewable energy sector in Libya.
The National Oil Corporation quoted Pouyanné as saying that Total aims to help Libya build a more sustainable future by improving the use of its natural resources, including solar energy.