Developing a national action plan on women and peace

The Libyan Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the United Nations Women have agreed to collaborate on developing a national action plan on women, peace, and security. This collaboration comes as part of Libya’s efforts to end years of division and promote peace and security in the country.
With the support of the governments of Finland and Norway, the United Nations Women will provide technical expertise to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, which is under the Libyan Government of National Unity, to develop a roadmap for a national action plan aimed at implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security.
In 2000, Resolution 1325 was unanimously adopted by the United Nations Security Council, recognizing the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and their vital role in peacebuilding. This landmark resolution is particularly important for Libya as it strives to establish inclusive and peaceful democracy. It emphasizes the crucial role women play in preventing and resolving conflicts, as well as in reconstruction efforts. It also underscores the importance of women’s equal participation in all peace and security matters and calls for special measures to protect women and girls from all forms of violence.
Begonia Lasagabaster, the United Nations Women Representative in Libya and Tunisia, states, “United Nations Women supports the full and equal representation and participation of women in peace and security. To achieve and sustain peace, we need to harness women’s skills and leadership in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and political participation.”
The work of the United Nations Women in the area of women’s participation in peace and security is guided by Security Council Resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions, supported by relevant normative frameworks that constitute a broader Women, Peace, and Security agenda. National action plans provide a valuable tool for states to fulfill their commitments to the Women, Peace, and Security agenda and for civil society to hold them accountable. An action plan is an important and practical document that outlines in detail the measures taken by the government to translate its commitments on women, peace, and security into tangible policies and programs to enhance women’s participation in peace, security, and reconstruction efforts.
Finally, Horria Khalifa Miloud Al-Tarman, the Libyan Minister of Women’s Affairs, says, “Libya needs all its people, men and women, to embark on a new peaceful chapter. By mapping out a roadmap for implementing the Women, Peace, and Security agenda, Libya demonstrates its commitment to translating this much-needed resolution into concrete actions that allow Libyan women to be part of their country’s pursuit of prosperity.”