CSR programs at PT. Otsuka Indonesia are prioritizing the importance of health issues

CSR programs at PT. Otsuka Indonesia are prioritizing the importance of health issues

PT.Otsuka Indonesia main mission is to support the company’s growth by implementing their commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility that will provide added value to all stakeholders, and ultimately increase corporate social responsibility awareness for a better society.

Implement the corporate responsibility and social awareness development for a better society.


  • In general, assisting the Indonesian government to improve the Indonesian Human Development through the implementation of programs that will help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
  • In particular, play a role in social and environmental responsibility, for employees and their families, and also for domestic and overseas communities in need of assistance.


Community Health (Healthy Together with Otsuka)

PT.Otsuka Indonesia CSR programs are consistently prioritizing the importance of health issues in each of its CSR programs. This commitment is embodied in the program “Healthy Together With Otsuka” in which the provision of assistance is in the form of health products such as nutritional supplements and intravenous fluids.

Community Environment (Go Green with Otsuka)

PT.Otsuka Indonesia CSR programs in the field of Environment or “Go Green” with Otsuka, enhances management commitment in the framework of corporate responsibility for the environment and nature conservation.

Community Education (Smart together with Otsuka)

As the company’s commitment to contribute in improving the welfare of the community through education and increase access to the education in the country. The program “Smart Together With Otsuka” also became one of the most important issues in the PT. Otsuka Indonesia CSR programs.

Natural Disaster (Rise Together with Otsuka)

PT. Otsuka Indonesia CSR programs also focus in its concern to the communities affected by the natural disasters. Through the program “Rise Together With Otsuka”, assistance is provided to the community.