CSR at bank of Georgia: making a difference

Corporate responsibility is embedded in our culture, and we believe we can make a difference.
As a Group, we recognize that we owe a duty not only to our shareholders but to the wider society in which we operate. As a large employer in Georgia, it is incumbent upon us to play a leading role in minimizing our impact upon the environment, to be an employer of choice and to drive positive change in society.
We consider sustainability to be integral to the growth of our business. Our sustainability agenda allows us to be profitable as well as environmentally and socially responsible. By implementing a sustainability approach in our activities, we foster long-term relationships with our main stakeholders, providing high return on investment for shareholders, satisfying the financial needs of customers, developing employees and contributing to the economic and social welfare of the local communities, while taking into account our environmental footprint. The Group’s Environmental and Social (E&S) Policy is designed to effectively manage the Group’s direct and indirect impact on society and the environment. This policy describes the Group’s strategy to develop solid management controls to conserve natural resources, minimise health and safety risks, and provide employees with equal development opportunities, fair compensation and benefits. We are pioneering sustainability practices in our operations and are constantly seeking new ways to improve our performance.
The Group continues to be included in the global responsible investment index FTSE4Good. The index is designed to demonstrate strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, measured against international standards.
Our Board has overall ownership of environmental and social matters, and our corporate
governance framework process enables Directors to have full oversight on matters relating to ESG. Our Risk Committee reviews risks relating to ESG and updates the Board on such matters. The Board is also updated on corporate social responsibility matters by management, for example the work the Bank has done within the community, such as helping children in Georgia better understand banking products. we will be expanding the Bank’s consideration of climate change issues and risks, and will consider suitable next steps for the Company.
As part of our sponsorship and charitable activities, the Group continues to focus on promoting and enhancing access to education, conserving nature, supporting people with disabilities and special needs, developing social enterprises and facilitating innovative projects that focus on social goods. The Group’s Sponsorship and Charity Policy encourages partnerships with various foundations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to deliver sustainable results and bring positive change. Sponsorship and charity funds are channelled through the Bank’s Tree of Life Foundation that, in its turn, distributes funding by means of grant competitions in order to ensure transparent and fair methods of financing. The Group also implements its own social projects.
Tree of Life allocated around GEL 1.9 million to support education, nature conservation, people with disabilities and special needs, social platforms, and the development of social entrepreneurship. Bank of Georgia, together with the Tree of Life Foundation, established a charity platform, which connects the people in need with those who are willing to donate items, clothes, books, etc. The platform offers collection, sorting and delivery of items.
Bank of Georgia has focused its efforts on supporting people with disabilities – one of the most vulnerable social groups in Georgia. the Bank donated up to GEL 93,000 to the Tree of Life Foundation for this cause. The Tree of Life Foundation distributed the funds through grant competitions – one intended for the relevant NGOs that work with people with disabilities and another with the specific aim of promoting social entrepreneurship. In order to qualify for the competition, the proposals had to focus on the creation of a small enterprise with a social component aimed at improving the livelihood of people with disabilities.
We value the views of our employees. We consult with them regularly and have implemented feedback systems, such as regular employee satisfaction surveys, which ensure that opinions of our employees are taken into account when making decisions that are likely to affect their interests. Employee feed after the Supervisory Board’s initiative, the Bank introduced Employee Voice on Board event, nurturing a culture of sharing, feedback, transparency, equal opportunities, appreciation, trust and respect. regular meetings were facilitated under this initiative by the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ms Hanna Loikkanen, who is involved in workforce engagement matters, and the Chairman Mr Neil Janin. Other Board members also took part in these discussions, held in an open and informal atmosphere, where the participants were able to discuss the challenges and opportunities, motivators and detractors that they encounter in their current work-life. The initiative encourages the culture of joint responsibility and constant development by showing employees themselves and their role in a bigger organisational context.
To manage our employees in a way that best supports our business strategy, we seek to help them contribute to business performance through personal and professional development. Following our aspiration to develop strong leaders, we have developed an extensive leadership development programme.
The Bank’s corporate learning system comprises a wide range of internal and external training sessions specifically designed to meet the needs of front and back office employees. Middle and senior-level employees are given the opportunity to receive external training in well-known training institutions outside of Georgia.