Corporate Social Responsibility in Moldova

Corporate Social Responsibility in Moldova

Project Title: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Development

Funded by: UNDP-Moldova

Project Goal: Identify tools that public authorities may use to stimulate companies to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices, assess the companies’ needs related to CSR, and inform policymakers about the findings.

Main Activities:

  • Developed a questionnaire for assessing the level of CSR among Moldovan firms.
  • Applied the CSR questionnaire to interview companies to identify their CSR practices and needs.
  • Conducted in-depth interviews with company CEOs and government representatives to understand the challenges and expectations related to CSR from both companies and the government.
  • Wrote a policy study to inform the public about the research findings.

Main Outputs and Outcomes:

  • The policy study: “Corporate Social Responsibility in Moldova: What the Government Can Do?”

Project Impact:

The project identified the main business-society interaction models found globally and in Moldova. The study developed as part of the project revealed that, despite significant efforts, CSR remains a concept that is not well understood among Moldovan companies. On the other hand, Moldovan companies are not unfamiliar with philanthropic actions, although these are often conducted in an unstructured manner. The study suggests that business associations should play a more significant role in promoting CSR than the government.