Corporate Social Responsibility at JV Inkai LLP – Kazatomprom

As a joint venture between two leading uranium industry companies—NAC Kazatomprom JSC from the Republic of Kazakhstan and Cameco Corporation from Canada—JV Inkai LLP is committed to overall and sustainable development, mirroring the values of its Participants. The company voluntarily adopts a socially-oriented approach in all aspects of its operations.
To align with its mission, vision, and corporate values, the Company aims to meet the highest standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Considering the interests of its Participants, employees, local communities in its operating regions, legal requirements, and its own strategic objectives, the Company adheres to the following principles:
- Human Rights
- The Company respects human rights as declared in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internationally, supporting their protection.
- The Company does not participate in human rights violations.
- Work Standards
- The Company supports freedom of association and the right to enter into collective agreements.
- The Company advocates the elimination of all forms of compulsory and mandatory labor.
- The Company promotes the complete eradication of juvenile labor.
- The Company strives to eliminate discrimination in labor and employment.
- Environment
- The Company adopts a precautionary approach to environmental issues.
- The Company undertakes initiatives to strengthen environmental responsibility.
- The Company supports the development and distribution of environmentally-friendly technologies.
- Anti-Corruption
- The Company opposes all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
The Company’s CSR Policy sets the following strategic objectives:
- Achieve and maintain a social stability rating of at least “high” by implementing necessary activities and projects. External organizations will conduct studies to determine the social stability rating using the methodology of the JSC “Samruk-Kazyna” group.
- Increase labor productivity by creating and developing comfortable and safe working and leisure conditions, supporting health, increasing employee motivation, and preventing factors that negatively affect employee social mood.
- Gain and maintain recognition as a socially responsible enterprise by local communities through activities and projects coordinated with local executive bodies and public organizations.
- Ensure customer satisfaction, strengthen the Company’s image internationally by implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, and comply with the Agreement on promoting the principles of the UN Global Compact and the International Standard ISO 26000 “Guidance on social responsibility.”
Main directions of CSR activities include:
- Quality, Health, and Safety Management System
- Environmental protection and energy saving
- Lean management
- Staff development
- Management of relationships between employees and the employer
- Anti-corruption activities and business transparency
- Contributions to the social and economic development of Sozak district in Turkestan oblast
- Corporate culture
- The Company prohibits social and charitable assistance to any legal bodies and private individuals.
- The Company does not fund political parties or religious organizations.