Chipita is a Socially Responsible Company

We are a socially sensitive company with principles and standards. We care about our workforce and the environment but are also committed to the social and economic development of the regions in which we operate.
Respect for our employees is a fundamental principle. We take care to provide them with a safe and healthy working environment within which they can work productively.
We act lawfully in every country in which we operate, consistently respecting our obligations to the state, our workforce, society, our suppliers and our stakeholders in general.
We seek to cooperate with companies that share the same standards of business ethics: equal job opportunities, respect for the workforce, a safe, non-discriminatory working environment, compliance with the law, exclusion of child labour, concern for society and protection of the environment, etc.
As a food manufacturing company, we select only the best raw materials and apply rigorous quality controls throughout the production and marketing process. We are fully aware of our obligation towards our consumers and their children in particular to produce safe, healthy products that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer.
We support non-profit making organisations and foundations as well as schools, orphanages, museums and theatres.
We further the promotion of business ideas through institutions that support youth entrepreneurship (SEN/JA Greece, Endeavor).