CAMEROON: SC2R collects 500 kg of plastic waste on the banks of the Wouri River

Around fifty Eco protectors and collection agents from the Société de collecte et de récupération pour le recyclage (SC2R) invested on February 6th, this year on one of the banks of the Wouri River in Douala, Cameroon. They cleaned up the area by collecting more than 500 kg of plastic waste of all kinds, sent back by the floods. “The activity is part of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities and the Costal world clean-up day. In fact, all waste discharged into nature tends to return to the lowest point (the sea). This is due to the effect of wind, rain or gravity. And the sea in turn gives us back everything it receives” explains Falonne Zeudeu, an expert in environment and sustainable development.
The “Costal World Clean-up Day” is a worldwide movement that brings together more than six million volunteers every year to clean up the coasts. But the choice of a bank of the Wouri River by SC2R is explained by the degree of pollution of the river whose estuary is located in the economic capital of Cameroon. The banks of this river were cleared of more than 1,600 kg of plastic waste. The operation was conducted that day by the Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun (SABC) and Nestlé Cameroon, with the technical support of Namé Ricycling.