Cairo Amman Bank establishes the concept of CSR at work and the national construction

The management of Cairo Amman Bank has developed its programmes and the quality of its partnership with the local community so as to implement its policy in promoting the overall development and its sustainability. The bank is keen to consolidate its relationship with the local community institutions and enable them to provide their services to the Jordanian citizen to the fullest and that in the scope of a programme which the bank has been implementing for years to establish the concept of corporate social responsibility at work and the national construction. The bank raised the pace of its societal responsibility by taking upon itself to intensify its activities, effectiveness and services to spread the culture of green environment and the adoption of innovation and creative people in the business, culture and arts.
Health Care activities
The health field is of the fields where the bank attaches priority within its social activities. In addition to the financial support which the bank provides to Al Hussein Cancer Center, the bank and for the ninth consecutive year continued its sponsorship of the activities of the Annual Summer Camp for children with cancer who are receiving treatment at Al Hussein Cancer Center, which is one of the most successful programs of the foundation being a part of a comprehensive treatment for the sick children. The bank has been keen to support this camp as a kind of moral encouragement for these children, and get them to participate and enjoy the various activities included in the camp such as magic games shows, song sketches and face painting and other multi-recreational activities. And the bank will continue its support of Al Hussein Cancer Foundation under the umbrella of Social Responsibility. The bank was the main sole sponsor of the Specialized First Dental Conference at Ministry of Health which aimed to provide the scientific and moral support to the Ministry of Health Doctors. The bank has also provided financial support to many of the events and societies working in this field such as Friends of Liver Disease Patients Society and the Jordanian Society for Medical Aid to Palestine.
Culture and Art activities
Cairo Amman Bank support of culture and art is reflected in being the only bank having a gallery at the building of its general management where it is considered a national and Arab sponsor of formative artists and habitat for young talents that compete to win the bank’s annual prize that was allocated for the most beautiful paintings reflecting subjects related to community culture., Cairo Amman Bank Gallery had a number of art exhibitions of selected Jordanian and Arab Artists of which the exhibition of the formative artist Abdul-Aziz who is one of the founding generation of the Jordanian Formative Movement. As well as having an exhibition for 7 Women Artists to celebrate the Arab Women Formative accomplishment and within the policy of the exhibition to present art scene in Jordan and the Arab World, where it was preceded by Arab Formative Artists and Youth Formative Artists Exhibition. And in the framework of establishing formative dialogue and offering formative opportunity to the Jordanian Artist in an atmosphere of international participation, Cairo Amman Bank Gallery and under the patronage of her H.R.H Princess Wijdan, held the first session of Cairo Amman Bank International Art Symposium with the participation of twenty artists of the prominent Arab and Foreign Formative Artists and a group of Jordanian Formative Artists under the title (Contemporary Art from East to West). The Gallery and for the sixth consecutive year has also called the children in Jordan to participate in Cairo Amman Bank Gallery Competition for paintings, where this session witnessed wide participation by children from all over the Kingdom and its public and private schools. The competition aims to have children expressing themselves towards their surroundings according to their understanding and imagination of which. The bank and through its partnership with Friends of Jordan Festivals, continued offering support and care to the activities of the organization which included during the year theatrical and musical performances of a number of prestigious international teams. The basis of this support is the bank’s faith in support of the cultural movement because it provides an opportunity to learn about new cultures, in addition to promoting tourism through making Jordan a leading cultural destination for musical and theatrical performances and highlight the archaeological sites in Jordan. During the year, the bank has also supported Jerash Festival, the Royal Society of Fine Arts and Human Rights Films Festival, in addition to another number of cultural events.
Social Activities in Palestine
With respect to what has been accomplished in Palestine, in appreciation for the responsibility placed upon the bank towards the Palestinian local society, Cairo Amman Bank continued to sponsor the Patriotic and National Events and Occasions, where the bank completed its sponsorship for the application of programs with INJAZ – Palestine during the academic through the provision of a number of its qualified staff members to do specialized training courses, in addition to supervising the events of the program’s application in a number of schools. The importance of this program is to provide an opportunity to identify the professional environment and labor market for this youth category and by specialized experts in this field, which contributes significantly to the preparation of this category for career life, and it is also to contribute to creating a new generation capable of leading the labor market in Palestine in the future and its advancement to the highest levels. The bank has also sponsored various activities in many fields that serve the educational, health and sports sector in collaboration with different institutions and schools in the West Bank, such as sponsoring the football team of Al-Bireh Youth Foundation, by donating to the project of the rehabilitation of Tubas Municipal Stadium, sponsoring a festival held by Directorate of Education in Tulkarm to honor outstanding students in various school activities, donating an amount of 30,000 Dollar to support President Mahmoud Abbas Fund to extend support to Palestinian students in Lebanon, donating to Dunya Women’s Cancer Center as to charity concert to support women living with breast cancer, providing assistance to El Buseira Forum for the Blind to buy special recording devices for the blind and donating to Children’s Village SOS.