Entrepreneurs of the five most important regions of Bolivia set up an observatory for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The initiative of the Federaciones de Empresarios Privados for an CSR Observatory is a response to the growing interest among employers for this issue in Bolivia. The Observatory is founded with support of DECP.
the employers’ federation of Cochabamba was the first to launch the observatory in their region. In order to get a clear picture of what local entrepreneurs see as CSR, an enquiry was held. They were asked what kind of CSR projects they are carrying out, how much money is involved and which type of support they want. On basis of the results of this enquiry, a total of 100 large and medium sized companies have subsequently been questioned. They told the interviewers that they highly appreciate the initiative.
In the meantime a technical committee developed criteria, together with the Bolivian institute of normalization IBNORCA, for the certifying of companies. A data-bank with CSR-projects that are liable for financing is set up, together with the organization for homeless children Aldea SOS. Companies are asked to train these youngsters and then employ them.
Recently the federations of Santa Cruz and La Paz decided to join the project. Tarija and Chuquisaca will probably follow soon.
- Counseling of companies that wants to introduce CSR in their organizations through standardized tools like ISO 26000 or Global reporting Initiative
- Managing the trademark that has been developed
- Promotion of CSR activities by companies in Cochabamba
- Organisation of seminars and meetings to increase awareness of CSR.