AWARDS FOR CSR in Macedonia

National Prizes for Socially Responsible Practices in Macedonia
At the Aleksandar Palace Hotel in Skopje, the Ministry of Economy and the Coordinative Body for Social Responsibility awarded national prizes for the best socially responsible practices among Macedonian companies.
This marks the 6th year of recognizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts across large, small, and medium enterprises. The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia actively participated in the Committee on Relations with Employees. Awards were presented in the following categories:
- Employee Relations
- Ethical Management
- Market Relations
- Environmental Issues
- Community Investment
European Commission Initiative
This year’s national awards are part of a broader initiative supported by the European Commission under the “European System of Remuneration for Corporate Social Responsibility.” By participating in this initiative, implemented in Macedonia by the Association for Development Initiatives ‘Zenith,’ the country’s best business practices will gain visibility on the European stage.
Award Winners
Two companies were honored for their exemplary practices:
- Rade Končar – Service: Winner in the category of Ethical Management.
- Dairy Bitola: Winner in the category of Community Investment.
The partnership projects of these two companies received the highest scores from the committees and will be showcased at the European CSR Awards Ceremony on June 25 in Brussels.