Award — Promotion of CSR and children’s rights in Mali

Award — Promotion of CSR and children's rights in Mali

Overall project objectives are to map the private sector in Mali to analyze CSR commitments with a special focus on children’s rights. The goal is to detect possible synergies between the private sector, public sector, and civil society to improve the living conditions of children.

The project includes:

  1. Identification of Key Actors: Identify key actors in the private sector in Mali, including national or international businesses, associations, and other organizations.
  2. Analysis of CSR Commitment: Analyze CSR commitments, perceptions, deficiencies, and best practices of private and public entities.
  3. Evaluation of Partnership Possibilities: Evaluate possibilities for partnerships between different entities to promote CSR.
  4. Identification and Evaluation of Business Activities: Identify and evaluate business activities aimed at protecting children’s rights in Mali and detect possible sources of private funding for promoting the protection of children’s rights.

Type of Services Provided

  • Identification and evaluation of key actors in the private sector and their approaches to CSR and children’s rights.
  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well as best practices in CSR and protection of children’s rights in the private and public sectors.
  • Final report with strategic recommendations concerning the implementation of best practices and public-private partnerships to improve CSR and the protection of children’s rights.