AVL reflects a deep understanding of our responsibility towards society

As an internationally competitive company, AVL sees it as a duty to contribute to help solving social, cultural and environmental issues – especially regarding environmental protection, sustainability and global emissions. Our understanding of sustainability is closely linked to our corporate values – such as pioneering spirit, client orientation, problem-solving competence, responsibility and independence. The work at AVL reflects a deep understanding of our responsibility towards society and respect for nature. It is of great importance to us to encourage and support sustainable development in Austria with all the means at our disposal.
We are an official sponsor of the TRIGOS-Award (Austria’s award for responsible business) as well as an active member of respACT, the leading corporate platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development in Austria – whose main purpose is to mobilize important players in order to make Austria a pioneer of future-proof and responsible business.
Furthermore, we are taking part in the Circle17 program which aims to mobilize a local movement of young leaders in sustainable transformation, to turn the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Austrian’s business priorities – leading change on all aspects of corporate and societal sustainability.