AB Amber Grid social responsibility policy

AB Amber Grid social responsibility policy

Social Responsibility

AB Amber Grid, as Lithuania’s natural gas transmission system operator responsible for safe and reliable natural gas transmission to all system users, for the operation, maintenance, and development of the natural gas infrastructure, consistently follows socially responsible and transparent business principles in implementing its strategic objectives. AB Amber Grid implements its social responsibility through targeted activities in the following areas:

Socially Responsible Activities in the Market

  • Safe and reliable natural gas transmission to system users
  • Creating conditions for the development of a competitive gas market
  • Promotion of ethical, transparent, and honest cooperation with customers and suppliers
  • Zero tolerance to corruption

Social Responsibility in the Field of Environmental Protection

  • Continuous improvement of the corporate environmental protection management system and minimizing the company’s negative environmental footprint
  • Making an efficient and rational use of material resources necessary for the operations, and applying preventive measures to reduce their cost
  • Cooperation and information exchange with partners involved in the company’s activities, with state authorities and other stakeholders and institutions in joint efforts to improve the human working environment and other environments

Social Responsibility in Relations with Employees

  • Application of advanced performance management and reward systems
  • Creating conditions for employees’ personal and professional development and development of their general competencies
  • Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, paying special attention to workers’ health protection, disease prevention, and promotion of physical activity
  • Ensuring equal rights of all people, complying with the ban on discrimination based on age, gender, origin, or beliefs

Social Responsibility in Public Relations

  • Cooperation with universities and facilitation of students’ internships at the company
  • Collaboration with communities aiming to contribute to social development and welfare
  • Promotion and support to the company’s employees’ volunteering for public benefit

AB Amber Grid seeks to ensure that all existing and new persons involved in AB Amber Grid’s activities also follow the established principles.