National Investment company is a leader in CSR initiatives

NIC seeks to be an active community player in other areas such as teaming up with organizations with a good social cause such as blood banks. To that end, NIC seeks to identify the most worthy projects, in which to participate which will have the most positive impact on the community. We believe that such activities contribute to increasing public awareness for NIC as a national organization; and place a big emphasis on giving back to the community. We aim to mentor university students about the principles of investment, and reach out to women groups to empower them to make informed investment and financial decisions.
It is planned that all CSR activities will be given ample press coverage to inform the public about NIC’s role in serving the community. NIC’s CSR activities and policies are an integral part of our corporate mission and public identity. This determines how we aim to project ourselves and what message we want to deliver. We aim to be known as educators, mentors and contributors to the advancement of the Kuwaiti youth and their career planning and growth. Therefore, activities we undertake will have to match up with those aims. Additionally, NIC’s Board of Directors and Management place a big emphasis on serving the community by undertaking meaningful community services activities. Senior management will actively support any undertaken initiative by making public appearances via print and broadcast media.
Identified Set of CSR Activities:
- Offer summer internships for senior university students to receive on-the-job training by rotating them across all departments within NIC.
- Participate in university career fairs to highlight different career paths available within NIC.
- Arrange for the Kuwait Blood Bank to receive blood donations from interested NIC employees.
- Hosting in-house events aimed at encouraging young Kuwaitis to be inventive and creative by studying and analyzing small business ideas and concepts and offering financial awards for winners.